Truck Loan Vs Lease in Canada

Truck Loan Vs Lease in Canada

When it comes to acquiring a commercial truck for your business in Canada, you have two primary options: getting a truck loan or leasing a truck. While both options allow you to acquire a truck without paying the full cost upfront, they each have unique benefits and drawbacks that you should consider before making a decision. In this blog post, we’ll compare truck loans and truck leases in Canada, and help you decide which option is best for your business.

What is a truck loan?

A truck loan is a type of loan that allows you to finance the purchase of a commercial truck. With a truck loan, you’ll make monthly payments over a set period of time until you’ve paid off the loan in full. During this time, you’ll own the truck and be responsible for all maintenance, repairs, and insurance costs.
A truck loan is a type of loan that allows you to finance the purchase of a commercial truck. With a truck loan, you’ll make monthly payments over a set period of time until you’ve paid off the loan in full. During this time, you’ll own the truck and be responsible for all maintenance, repairs, and insurance costs.

Truck loans typically have higher upfront costs than truck lease, as you’ll need to make a down payment and pay for taxes, registration fees, and other expenses associated with purchasing a truck. However, over the long term, a truck loan can be more cost-effective than a truck lease, as you’ll own the truck outright once the loan is paid off, and won’t have to continue making payments.

What is a truck lease?

A truck lease is a type of agreement that allows you to use a commercial truck for a set period of time, typically 1-5 years. During this time, you’ll make monthly lease payments, and at the end of the lease term, you’ll have the option to return the truck or purchase it for its residual value.

Truck leases typically have lower upfront costs than truck loans, as you won’t need to make a down payment or pay for taxes and registration fees. Additionally, because you’re only leasing the truck and not owning it, you may have lower monthly payments than you would with a truck loan. However, over the long term, a truck lease can be more expensive than a truck loan, as you’ll never own the truck outright and will have to continue making payments as long as you’re using the truck.

Pros and cons of truck loans


  • Ownership: With a truck loan, you’ll own the truck outright once the loan is paid off, which means you can use it for as long as you’d like without having to make payments.
  • Flexibility: You can use the truck for any purpose, whether it’s for your business or personal use.
  • Equity: As you pay off your loan, you’ll be building equity in the truck, which means you may be able to sell it for a profit if you decide to upgrade or sell your business.


  • Upfront costs: Truck loans typically have higher upfront costs than truck leases, which can make them more difficult to afford.
  • Maintenance costs: As the owner of the truck, you’ll be responsible for all maintenance and repair costs, which can be expensive.
  • Depreciation: Like any vehicle, a commercial truck will depreciate over time, which means it may be worth less than you paid for it by the time the loan is paid off.

Pros and cons of truck leases


  • Lower upfront costs: Truck leases typically have lower upfront costs than truck loans, which can make them more affordable for businesses with limited cash flow.
  • Lower monthly payments: Because you’re only paying for the use of the truck, and not for ownership, your monthly lease payments may be lower than they would be with a truck loan.
  • Tax benefits: Lease payments are typically tax-deductible, which can help offset the cost of leasing a truck.


  • No ownership: With a truck lease, you’ll never own the truck outright, which means you’ll have to continue making payments for as long as you’re using the truck.
  • Mileage restrictions

Whether you are considering truck loan or lease in Toronto and surrounding cities, consider CIK Capital. Our perspective towards our customers is not just as business transactions, but as collaborative partners. Our objective is to cater to our customers’ requirements by providing them with tailored, efficient lease financing and funding options for truck, trailer and heavy equipment loan. Contact us today!